La Web del Implante Coclear
Federación de Asociaciones de Implantados Cocleares de España
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La Web del Implante Coclear

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Biblioteca Federación AICE

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Questions and answers about Cochlear Implant


Mª Teresa Amat and collaborators


Publisher: Federación AICE, Barcelona march 2010. ISBN 978-84-613-1537-6
With the collaboration of the Foundation "DIRE"


Since its inception, one of the main objectives of AICE is to disseminate truthful information about the cochlear implant. So it has always been to advise and respond to questions and issues that have come on the Cochlear Implant. But, although of course it is better known a few years ago, we noted that there is a lack of real information or, more worryingly, of disinformation about this technique, results and everything that surrounds him.
The preparation of the document needed to distinguish between the hundreds of issues that arise, what were the most important and profitable. But of course, is not intended that this book is "Manual" in capital letters, where all questions on all kinds of situations are answered. What has been tried is that the information given be careful and especially useful for the implanted and their families.


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Lunes a jueves:
10:00 a 14:00 y de 16:00 a 19:00 horas.
Viernes: 10:00 a 13:00 horas.

Para asesoramientos y consultas presenciales, imprescindible solicitar cita previa.
Telf. 93.331.74.75

CampAICE 2024

Campamentos AICE 2024

Revista Integración

Último artículo publicado en la web de la revista Integración:
Yomara García Viera. Presidenta Juristas contra el ruido
Para acceder a la web de Integración, pinchar en la imagen

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European Association of Cochlear Implant Users a.s.b.l.

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Logo Ministerio de Servicios Sociales, Consumo y Agenda 2030 Logo Ministerio de Servicios Sociales, Consumo y Agenda 2030: Por Solidaridad, Otros Fines de Interés Social Logo Generalitat de Cataluña. Departamento de Derechos SocialesLogo Diputación de BarcelonaLogo Ayuntamiento de Barcelona. Departamento de Derechos Sociales

Federación de Asociaciones de Implantados Cocleares de España, Federación AICE
C/ Fernández Duró 24. Zona Plaza de Sants.
08014 Barcelona
Telf. - Fax: 93.331.74.75

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